path: root/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties
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Diffstat (limited to 'ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties')
4 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/external_statuscodes_map.properties b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/external_statuscodes_map.properties
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0951dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/external_statuscodes_map.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+config.30=9008 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/messages.properties b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/messages.properties
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index 00000000..cc60cd6e
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+####### GUI elements ####
+gui.general.language.selection.title=Language selection
+##Errorpage template
+gui.errorpage.msg.title=Authentication error arise
+gui.errorpage.msg.information=The authentication stops on account of a process error:
+gui.errorpage.msg.errorcode=Error Code:
+gui.errorpage.msg.errormsg=Error Message:
+##Country-Selection page
+gui.countryselection.title=eIDAS-Login Countryselection
+gui.countryselection.logo.bmi.alt=Logo BMI
+gui.countryselection.link.bmi=Mainpage BMI
+gui.countryselection.header1=Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs
+gui.countryselection.header2=Austrian Central eIDAS Node
+gui.countryselection.header3=Operated by Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs
+gui.countryselection.header.selection=Select your country
+gui.countryselection.notsupportedinfo=If you cannot find your country in this list then your electronic identity (eID) is not yet supported.
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.header=Information on Logins with European eIDs
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.link.1=eIDAS regulation of the European Union
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.link.2=Austrian Supplementary Register for Natural Persons (ERnP)
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.1=This is the central eIDAS node of the Republic of Austria, operated by the
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.2=It enables logins at Austrian online services using an electronic identity (eID) of another EU member state. You have been redirected to this page, as you have initiated a login to an online service using the option "EU Login".
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.3=The central eIDAS node of the Republic of Austria allows you to login to Austrian online services using the eID of your home country. This way, compliance with the
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.4=, which regulates the mutual cross-border acceptance of national eIDs, is achieved. The mutual cross-border acceptance of national eIDs is implemented successively within the EU. Currently, the central eIDAS node of the Republic of Austria supports logins using the eID systems of the Member States mentioned above. More Member States will be added according to availability of their respective eID solutions.
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.5=After selecting your home country on this page, you are forwarded to the familiar login environment of the selected member state. There, you can login with your eID as usual. After successful completion of the login process, you are automatically forwarded and logged in to the online service, from which you have been redirected to this page. During your first login, your eID data is also registered in the
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.6=This ensures that you will also be successfully and uniquely identified in subsequent logins at Austrian online services.
+gui.countryselection.country.cz=Czech Republic
+gui.countryselection.country.cz.logo.alt=Czech Republic-eID
+gui.countryselection.country.uk=United Kingdom
+gui.countryselection.country.uk.logo.alt=United Kingdom-eID
+##Other Login Methods page
+gui.otherlogin.title=eIDAS-Login Other Login Methods
+gui.otherlogin.header.selection=Select an alternative login method
+gui.otherlogin.hs=Mobile Signature ("Handy-Signatur")
+gui.otherlogin.eidas=Alternative eIDAS ID
+gui.otherlogin.none=No alternative login methods
+##Austrian Residency page
+gui.residency.title=Austrian Residency
+gui.residency.header.selection=Search for your Austrian Residency
+gui.residency.header.help=You can search for the address that you have been registered at in the past. Please enter a \
+ postcode, municipality or village first to start the search.
+gui.residency.header.inputinvalid=Be sure to enter a value for Municipality or Village
+gui.residency.updated=Updated your input
+gui.residency.found=Found {0} results, click on one result to refine your search
+gui.residency.unique=Unique result found, please proceed
+gui.residency.error=Error on Backend Call
+gui.residency.input.number=Number \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/messages_de.properties b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/messages_de.properties
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f470ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/messages_de.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+####### GUI elements ####
+##Errorpage template
+gui.errorpage.msg.title=Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
+gui.errorpage.msg.information=Der Anmeldevorgang wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers beendet:
+gui.errorpage.msg.errorcode=Fehlercode :
+##Country-Selection page
+gui.countryselection.title=eIDAS-Login Länderauswahl
+gui.countryselection.logo.bmi.alt=Logo BMI
+gui.countryselection.link.bmi=Startseite BMI
+gui.countryselection.header1=Bundesministerium für Inneres
+gui.countryselection.header2=Zentraler eIDAS Knoten der Republik Österreich
+gui.countryselection.header3=Betrieben durch das Bundesministerium für Inneres
+gui.countryselection.header.selection=Wählen Sie Ihr Land
+gui.countryselection.notsupportedinfo=Wenn Sie Ihr Land in dieser Aufzählung nicht entdecken, dann wird Ihre elektronische Identität (eID) leider noch nicht unterstützt.
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.header=Information zur Anmeldung über Europäische eIDs
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.link.1=eIDAS-Verordnung der Europäischen Union
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.link.2=Ergänzungsregister für natürliche Personen (ERnP)
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.1=Sie befinden sich am zentralen eIDAS-Knoten der Republik Österreich. Dieser wird vom Österreichischen
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.2=betrieben und ermöglicht eine Anmeldungen zu österreichischen Online-Anwendungen unter Verwendung einer elektronischen Identität (eID) anderer EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Sie wurden hierher weitergeleitet, da Sie in einer Online-Anwendung eine Anmeldung via EU-Login initiiert haben.
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.3=Der zentrale eIDAS-Knoten der Republik Österreich ermöglicht Ihnen eine Anmeldung zu österreichischen Online-Anwendungen mit der eID Ihres Herkunftsstaates. Damit werden die Vorgaben der
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.4=erfüllt, die eine staatenübergreifende Akzeptanz nationaler eIDs vorsieht. Die wechselseitige Anerkennung nationaler eIDs erfolgt in der EU schrittweise. Aktuell unterstützt der zentrale eIDAS-Knoten der Republik Österreich Anmeldungen mit den eID-Systemen der oben angeführten Mitgliedstaaten. Diese Liste wird laufend erweitert.
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.5=Nachdem Sie auf dieser Seite einen Mitgliedsstaat ausgewählt haben, werden Sie an die gewohnte Anmeldeumgebung des jeweiligen Mitgliedsstaats weitergeleitet. Dort können Sie sich mit Ihrer eID wie gewohnt anmelden. Haben Sie den Anmeldeprozess erfolgreich abgeschlossen, werden Sie automatisch an die Online-Anwendung, von der aus Sie auf diese Auswahlseite gelangt sind, weitergeleitet und dort mit den Identitätsdaten Ihrer eID angemeldet. Gleichzeitig werden Sie bei Ihrer ersten Anmeldung auf diesem Weg mit Ihren eID-Daten in das österreichische
+gui.countryselection.infos.general.part.6=eingetragen. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass Sie auch im Rahmen zukünftiger Anmeldeprozesse zu österreichischen Online-Anwendungen erfolgreich und eindeutig identifiziert werden können.
+gui.countryselection.country.cz=Tschechische Republik
+gui.countryselection.country.cz.logo.alt=Tschechische Republik-eID
+##Other Login Methods page
+gui.otherlogin.title=eIDAS-Login Alternative Anmeldemethoden
+gui.otherlogin.header.selection=Wählen Sie eine alternative Anmeldemethode
+gui.otherlogin.eidas=Alternativer eIDAS Login
+##Austrian Residency page
+gui.residency.title=Österreichischer Wohnsitz
+gui.residency.header.selection=Suche nach Österreichischem Wohnsitz
+gui.residency.header.help=Hier können Sie nach einem Wohnsitze in Österreich suchen. Bitte geben Sie zuerst eine \
+ Postleitzahl, Gemeinde oder Ortschaft ein um die Suche zu starten.
+gui.residency.header.inputinvalid=Bitte geben Sie einen Wert für Gemeinde oder Ortschaft ein
+gui.residency.updated=Eingabe aktualisiert
+gui.residency.found={0} Ergebnisse gefunden, klicken Sie auf ein Ergebnis um die Suche zu verfeinern
+gui.residency.unique=Eindeutiges Ergebnis gefunden, bitte fortfahren
+gui.residency.error=Fehler bei Addresssuche
+gui.residency.input.number=Nummer \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/status_messages_en.properties b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/status_messages_en.properties
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80228a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ms_specific_proxyservice/src/main/resources/properties/status_messages_en.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+eidas.00=eIDAS Attribute {0} not found. Can not finish authentication process
+eidas.01=NO eIDAS response-message found. Can not finish authentication process
+eidas.02=eIDAS response-message contains an error. ErrorCode: {0}, ErrorMsg: {1}
+eidas.03=No CitizenCountry available. Can not start eIDAS authentication process
+eidas.04=Request contains no sessionToken. Authentication process stops
+eidas.05=Received eIDAS response-message is not valid. Reason: {0}
+eidas.06=LoA from eIDAS response-message {0} does not match to requested LoA
+eidas.07=eIDAS Response attribute-validation FAILED. Attribute:{0} Reason: {1}
+config.01=No configuration-file parameter found. Maybe Java SystemD parameter is missing
+config.03=Can not load configuration from path {0} (See logs for more details)
+config.18=Configuration file {0} is not available on filesystem
+config.24=Configuration file {1} does not start with {0} prefix.
+ernb.00=Receive no identity-link from SZR
+ernb.01=Receive no bPK from SZR
+ernb.02=SZR response contains an error. ErrorMsg: {0}
+ernb.03=Post-processing of eIDAS attributes failed. Reason: {0}
+auth.00=Service provider: {0} is unknown
+auth.21=The authentication process was stopped by user
+auth.26=No transaction identifier
+auth.28=Found no active transaction with Id: {0}. Maybe, the transaction was removed after timeout
+auth.37=Requested bPK-Target: {0} does not match allowed targets for service provider: {1}
+auth.38=Passive authentication was requested but user as no active session
+auth.39=Error: '{0}' in post-processing of authentication data. Can not finish authentication process
+process.01=Can not execute authentication process
+process.02=Find no applicable authentication process for transaction with Id: {0}
+process.03=Can not resume the authentication process. Reason: {0}
+process.04=Can not execute authentication process. Problem with an internal state
+builder.00=Can not generate data structure "{0}": {1}
+builder.11=Error: '{0}' in post-processing of authentication data. Can not finish authentication process
+parser.01=Error during eID-data processing. Reason: {0}
+gui.00=Can not build GUI component. Reason: {0}
+pvp2.01=General error during SAML2 response encoding
+pvp2.02=SAML2 attribute contains an wrong encoded value
+pvp2.05=LoA from SAML2 Authn. request: {0} is not supported
+pvp2.07=SAML2 Authn. request contains is not signed
+pvp2.09=SAML2 request contains an unsupported operation. (OperationId: {0})
+pvp2.10=SAML2 Attribute: {0} is not available
+pvp2.11=SAML2 Binding: {0} is not supported
+pvp2.12=SAML2 NameID Format {0} is not supported
+pvp2.13=Internal server error during SAML2 processing
+pvp2.14=SAML2 authentication not available
+pvp2.15=No SAML2 metadata available or metadata processing failed
+pvp2.16=Encryption of SAML2 assertion failed
+pvp2.17=LoA from SAML2 Authn. request: {1} does not match to authenticated LoA: {0} by using matching-mode: {2}
+pvp2.20=SAML2 Authn. request contains an unknown or empty EntityID.
+pvp2.21=Signature validation of SAML2 Authn. request failed. Reason: {0}
+pvp2.22=Validation of SAML2 Authn. request failed. Reason: {0}
+pvp2.23=Validation of SAML2 Authn. request failed. Reason: AssertionConsumerServiceURL {0} is not valid.
+pvp2.24=General error during SAML2 Auth. request pre-processing. Reason: {0}
+pvp2.26=SAML2 metadata validation failed. Reason: {0}
+pvp2.27=General error during SAML2 metadata generation
+pvp2.28=Validation of SAML2 Authn. request failed. Reason: AssertionConsumerServiceIndex {0} is not valid.
+internal.00=The authentication process stops by reason of an internal problem
+internal.01=The LogOut process stops by reason of an internal problem
+internal.02=Internal error. Can not access data cache.
+internal.03=Internal error. Can not initialize a cryptographic method.
+internal.04=Internal error. Can not access data cache (Reason: {0}).
+internal.05=Internal error. Can not access SQLite database for identity-data storage (Reason: {0})
+internal.06=Internal error. Can not query SQLite database for identity-data storage (Reason: {0})
+config.08=Configuration value: {0} is missing.
+config.27=Configuration parameter processing failed. Reason: {0}
+config.30=External configuration not found. File: {0}