internal.keystore.00=HSM-Facade NOT INITIALIZED. KeyStore:{0} initialization failed internal.keystore.01=KeyStore:{0} configuration has an unsupported type in configuration. internal.keystore.02=Type:{1} of KeyStore:{0} is NOT SUPPORTED yet. internal.keystore.03=HSM-Facade initialization failed with a generic error: {0} internal.keystore.04=HSM-Facade has a wrong configuration. Missing property: {0} internal.keystore.05=HSM-Facade has a wrong configuration. Property: {0} Reason:{1} internal.keystore.06=KeyStore: {0} initialization failed. Reason: {1} internal.keystore.07=Validation of KeyStore: {0} failed. Reason: {1} internal.keystore.08=Can not access Key: {1} in KeyStore: {0} internal.keystore.09=Can not access Key: {1} in KeyStore: {0} Reason: {2}